Markham Regional Councillor
Building a Network of Vibrant Communities
MOTION: Reimagine the Stouffville GO Transit Corridor Line
Dear Markham Neighbours
My friends often ask me, why are you running again Jim? “Take it easy, enjoy retirement. You’ve had long careers in both the private sector and public service.
I am putting my name in the ring again for 2022 municipal elections in October because I care about Markham, York Region and the GTA’s economic and environmentally sustainable growth.
I applaud all those that put their names forward in an election, it takes courage, time, personal sacrifice. I also believe you must run based on strong convictions to do what’s right and to put forth a vision of why you deserve to be elected. What’s your game plan? What will you be fighting for and promoting?
I am motivated to present by vision created through years of research, collaboration with experts in all walks of life - urban planning, environmentalists, engineers, transportation, energy experts and economists.
This plan, started from the observation that there’s a hydro corridor flanking the 407 Highway from Milton to Oshawa, holding thousands of acres of land, sitting idle. How can we best deploy this strategic land mass for the betterment of all residents in the GTA and especially at its core, Markham and York Region?
The Plan that I’ve developed will contribute to Markham’s Quality of Life:
- A made in the GTA economic boom delivering years of sustainable growth by managing and meeting the population requirements for Markham.
- Generational high-quality employment for families living in Markham, York Region and the GTA
- Environmental, Social and Governance - responsible policies and reporting
- Science based environmental planning based on real data
- Internet of Things technologies for efficiencies and public transparency
- Efficient, intelligent, transit that is flexible and meets the needs of our residents
- Innovative urban vertical farming producing food locally
- A major Multi-Purpose Sports Training Facility right in the heart of Markham
We must plan for the future as that is where we will spend the rest of our life.
Now it is time to bring our vision to life:
- Strategically Plan the 407 Rail transitway, creating networked communities around transit stations
- Convert the Stouffville GO Transit Commuter line into an electric LRT line
- Pilot Urban Vertical Farming at transit stations
- Test geo-fenced autonomous vehicles around transit hubs
- Pilot Central Garbage Collection System including waste to energy
- Champion the Hollywood North Film Industry in Markham Centre (Milliken)
- Plan for the Canadian Sports Centre Ontario (CSIO) “Centre of Excellence” multi-sports Facility at 407/Roddick Road area
I enjoyed the experience and appreciate your confidence in me as much today as when you first elected me. I feel my early corporate career at IBM in finance, sales, national marketing and technical support, combined with my professional accountant training and Toronto Metropolitan University business education uniquely qualifies me to understand the perspective of businesspeople, the needs of our residents, and the complexity of modern technology solutions available to us from around the globe.
Working on your Behalf, I have always tried to intelligently balance the growth of our community while keeping Markham a desirable place in which to live, work, play and raise your children.
I’d greatly appreciate your vote for your Markham Regional Councillor on Monday, October 24, 2022, or vote early through internet voting!
Thank you for your support.
Respectfully Yours, Jim Jones, Markham Regional Councillor
I always try to balance the growth of our community while keeping Markham a desirable place to live, work, play and raise your family. Over the next 25-30 years, through the Ontario "Growth Plan" an additional 5 million people will move into the Greater Toronto Area including over 300,000 additional people to Markham with 1 million people to all of York Region. We must get ready by boosting density in transit areas that will become Network Oriented Communities (NOC).
My vision is to transform the Stouffville GO Commuter Transit Line into a destination Light Rail Transit (LRT) line with the goal to increase the 2021 daily ridership from 18,500 to 350,000 daily ridership by 2051.
Learn more about my election literature:
Over the last 12 years...
- I have chaired City of Markham's Development Services Committee
- Chaired the Feasibility Study to bury 407 Hydro Transmission lines and plan to build the 407 rail transitway
- Chaired York Region's Planning and Economic Committee
- Founding Chair of the Markham Centre and Langstaff Gateway Secondary Plans
- Worked on Toronto's 1996 Olympic bid, York Region's 2014 Commonwealth Games bid, and Toronto's 2015 PanAm Games bid
I have been a member of Markham Council for 27.5 years and federal MP for 3.5 years. I enjoy the experience and appreciate your confidence in me as much today as when I was first elected.
Previously, I worked for 28 years at IBM in finance, sales, national marketing, and technical support. I am a professional accountant and a Ryerson Business graduate.
Markham 2022 Election
Ways to vote
- Election day on October 24, 10AM - 8PM
- Vote online October 14-24 on your computer or smart device
- Vote early in-person October 20-22, 10AM - 8PM at any Voting Place across Markham.
For more information visit: electionsmarkam.ca
Donation and Pledges
- Donate online by Interac, VISA or Mastercard
- Mail a Personal Cheque to:
Jim Jones 2022 Re-Election Campaign
P.O. Box 56502, Town Square Post Office 8601 Warden Ave., Markham ON L3R 0B0
Donations of $200 or more will receive a $150* rebate from the City of Markham.
*Rebate only applies to residents of Markham

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